Banana Matcha Imagawayaki Recipe

This banana matcha imagawayaki recipe is perfect for breakfast.

Originally from Nippon, imagawayaki (too known equally wheel cakes or obanyaki) are thick pancakes sandwiched with a sweetness or savoury filling. Traditionally this filling is sugariness blood-red bean paste, but these days you lot tin go everything from chocolate to cheese in addition to tuna inside.

For my cycle cake recipe, I've stuffed mine amongst banana in addition to matcha custard. The bananas become deliciously gooey while cooking inside the cakes – brand sure you lot're using a really ripe banana for maximum sweet.

This web log mail includes affiliate links to a bicycle cake Fe on Amazon, which merely agency that if y'all purchase it using my link, Amazon pays me a piddling commission. You won't pay whatever extra because it comes out of Amazon, and you don't take to purpose the link to purchase it – but if y'all make, I really much appreciate it.

This iron is a stovetop 1, whereas mine is an electrical 1 that I bought from China. Occasionally I come across them popular upwardly on Amazon also though, then go on an center out.

You can too meet how I brand these on my YouTube video:

Ready? Let'second go.

Ingredients for Matcha Custard:

ii tsp matcha
250ml milk
35g custard powder
40g caster saccharide
25g melted unsalted butter
Pinch of common salt

Ingredients for Wheelcakes:

110g self-raising flour
ane tbsp matcha, sifted
ii tbsp caster saccharide
Pinch of table salt
one egg
ii tbsp vegetable fossil oil
130ml milk

Filling as well as Toppings:

1 ripe banana, sliced
Banana chips


ane. To brand the custard, whisk one-half of the milk alongside the matcha powder until polish. Mix it together amongst the other ingredients, so home in a saucepan and stir over a medium estrus until really thick.

two. Scrape into a bowl, encompass with clingfilm to prevent a peel from forming, as well as ready aside to cool.

3. In a sort big bowl, place all the dry ingredients into the bowl, in addition to gradually stir in the wet ingredients until smoothen.

iv.  Brush a niggling crude oil onto your bicycle cake pan or machine, in addition to preheat it. Place a banana flake on the bottom of each hole, and then half-make full the holes amongst cycle cake batter. In one-half of them, home a brace of slices of banana in addition to a grade tablespoonful of matcha custard.

5. Cook for about 2 minutes, and then flip the 'empty' sides moisture-side-downward on tiptop of the 'filled' sides. Cook for a farther infinitesimal, carefully flip the whole cakes over to the other side to ready for 1 last minute, then lift out to cool on a wire rack. Repeat with the residue of the wheel cake batter too custard, too swallow your wheel cakes patch warm.

Enjoy, together with have fun.

Link to a stovetop wheel cake iron:

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