Ketapang Seeds Eid Cake Recipe

Ketapang Seeds Eid Cake Recipe Crunchy & dry out. The procedure of making cookies solely soft, this Eid is brusk, don't believe it, come inwards here & read to the stop. It'sec an obligation to take a domicile when Eid comes to furnish snacks such as cakes Nastar & castle , they are subscription cakes every twelvemonth, if readers desire to brand them, part them recipes RECIPES4 only this.
 Olah cara membuat kue kering tapi empuk idul fitri ni singkat lohh Resep Kue Lebaran Biji Ketapang
Recipe for a soft & crunchy Ketapang Seed Lebaran Cake
Ketapang Seed Cake is a kid cake shaped similar a peanut, crunchy, crunchy, dry that'sec its primary nature. It's perfect if yous lot purpose it equally a snack patch watching TV / movies, you tin besides go in front end of the reckoner, or take a skilful chat, if yous lot desire, we'll pass you lot the recipe inward addition to how to make ketapang seed cake hither.

Ketapang Seeds Eid Cake Recipe Ingredients:

  • 400 grams flour
  • 150 grams quondam ane/two coconut, clean it, and so grate
  • 1 item eggs, beaten good
  • 100 grams margarine
  • 150 grams saccharide
  • ane teaspoon i sachet of table salt
  • plenty vanilla
  • Cooking rough, for frying
How to brand Ketapang Seed Lebaran Cake
  1. - First of all, mix these ingredients; carbohydrate, chicken eggs, tabular array table salt & vanilla until the ingredients are slightly dissolved.
  2. - Take some other container, mix flour & grated coconut, mix skilful, and and so add together the to a higher place mixture too mix proficient.

  3. - Now add together margarine, stir once more, knead until the dough doesn't stick to your hands.
  4. - Then grade the dough the size of a long pencil, and so cut into oblique pieces.
  5. - The last footstep is to tiddler inwards hot crude (don't brand the oestrus too large) until golden chocolate-brown. Lift, drain too complete our ketapang seed recipe.

Wow, you lot're done, y'all lot're done recipe this, the feel of sense of taste is ??, salty, savory, soft only crunchy, nahh loch confused right. It'second guaranteed to be delicious, all the spices & ingredients are but right, and so delight endeavor it if you don't believe it Ketapang Seeds Eid Cake Recipe this.

Info Recipe for Ketapang Seeds:
Cooking time: 45 Minutes , portion: 2 jars ,
Calorie Content: 241 Calories

Crunchy Ketapang Seeds Recipe for Eid

written past Yus Wanti

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