Mont Blanc Pancakes With Super Fluffy Pancakes – Recipe

I love Mont Blanc (the dessert, non the mountain. I judge the mountain'second OK, likewise) too I honey pancakes. Why not brand Mont Blanc pancakes for Christmas?

This recipe too features my super fluffy pancakes, which is my go-to pancake recipe that I usually enjoy amongst a trivial butter too maple syrup. So good.

Need visuals? Check out my prepare-and-chat video on YouTube:

Ready? Let'sec go.

(Makes nigh eight pancakes.)

Ingredients for Chestnut Cream:

50ml milk
30g unsalted butter
50g lite muscovado saccharide
200g chestnut purée (unsweetened)
1 tsp vanilla

Ingredients for Pancakes:

120g self-raising flour
two tbsp caster carbohydrate
Pinch of common salt
1 egg
two tbsp unsalted butter, melted
130ml milk
i tsp vanilla

Ingredients for Chantilly Cream

150ml double cream
i tbsp caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla

To Decorate (Optional):

Marrons glacés (candied chestnuts)
Icing carbohydrate for dusting


1. First make the chestnut cream: only melt the butter into the milk inward a small pan, stir inward the carbohydrate, together with trounce it into the chestnut purée as well as vanilla. Cover too chill inwards the refrigerator for half an hour to an hour.

two. To brand the pancakes, put all the dry out ingredients into a big bowl. Crack the egg inward the heart, so gradually stir inward the melted butter, milk in addition to vanilla until smooth.

three. Heat a nonstick pan over a low to medium heat. If it's proper not-stick you don't have to role oil, merely if it has a tendency to stick, brush a footling oil onto the pan. Then ready your pancakes: spoon a niggling into the pan, await a infinitesimal or 2 until the surface bubbles, flip together with cook for another infinitesimal before turning out onto a plate. Continue until you lot've used all the batter upwards.

iv. While the pancakes cool a picayune, while the double cream, caster saccharide too vanilla together to brand the Chantilly cream.

five. Stack your pancakes upwardly, as well as pipe some Chantilly cream on acme inwards a superlative. Now pipe your chestnut cream over the elevation (I used a Mont Blanc pipe tip to become the strands, merely whatsoever pipe tip volition make).

6. Pop a marron glacé on elevation of each 'mount' before serving.

Enjoy, and accept fun.

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